Visit the website of your employer or another company you are familiar with and discuss whether you believe they are adhering to their defined mission, vision and/or objectives.

unit 1PART
1: Introduce yourself to your fellow students and instructor. Share
your college degree plans, briefly explaining what degree you are
pursuing, why, and how you think taking this course will assist you in
achieving your personal or professional goals in life. PART
2: Please affirm that you have read and will abide by the Universitys
Academic Integrity Violations (AIV) policy located in the course
announcements. In your response, please type the word affirm. You may
also ask any questions that may concern you or discuss challenges you
may face as a learner in your compliance with the Universitys AIV
policy.unit 2
Strategic planning often involves companies putting together mission statements, vision statements and/or company objectives.
Visit the website of your employer or another company you are familiar
with and discuss whether you believe they are adhering to their defined
mission, vision and/or objectives. Include your rationale. Please
include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in
the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.” unit 1PART
1: Introduce yourself to your fellow students and instructor. Share
your college degree plans, briefly explaining what degree you are
pursuing, why, and how you think taking this course will assist you in
achieving your personal or professional goals in life. Strategic planning often involves companies putting together mission statements, vision statements and/or company objectives.
Visit the website of your employer or another company you are familiar
with and discuss whether you believe they are adhering to their defined
mission, vision and/or objectives. Include your rationale. Please
include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in
the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”




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