write a persuasive research essay.

n this final unit of the course, you will learn how to write a persuasive research essay. The skills involved in writing such an essay will be valuable to you as you move throughout college and even after, as you pursue your career. In the lessons that follow, we will practice conducting research, evaluating sources, integrating quotations, and making arguments.
In the final essay that concludes this unit (and this course), you should demonstrate all of the skills that you have learned this semester. As you are drafting the essay, I strongly recommend reviewing your previous essays and revisiting any lessons or concepts that you find challenging.
Student Learning Outcomes addressed in this unit:

Write in a style appropriate to audience and purpose
Demonstrate knowledge of indivdual and collaborative writing processes
Develop ideas with appropriate support and attribution
Use Edited American English in academic essays
Read, reflect and respond critically to a variety of texts

Vocabulary for Unit FiveThese are the vocabulary words for Unit 5. Remember to incorporate them into your Discussion Board in this unit.
Plausible Objectivity Substantiated
Integrity Effusive Superfluous
Sanction Fabricated Ambiguous

Create a conversation with your group by answering the questions below. If one of your group mates has a question or concern, be sure to address it. You will be graded on your interaction with each other. Try to have a conversation about the course material.
1. What did you learn in this unit?
2. How did you learn it? What techniques or strategies did you find most helpful? Have those techniques changed from previous units?
3. What else would you like to learn related to the topics covered in this unit?
4. Do you have any questions or concerns about anything related to the course?




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