Do you agree or disagree with your colleague’s conclusion(s) regarding the positive and/or negative effect(s) of technology within his or her chosen developmental periods?

Do you agree or disagree with your colleague’s conclusion(s) regarding the positive and/or negative effect(s) of technology within his or her chosen developmental periods? Whether or not you agree with your colleague’s conclusion(s), describe how one of your colleague’s stated advantages may actually be a disadvantage in the chosen developmental periods or vice versa. Address how an advantage described by your peer within one period of development might actually be a disadvantage to someone in another developmental period or vice versa. Suggest mediating factors for the influence(s) of technology that might have been overlooked by classmate.

Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion.


“Although media are not the leading cause of any major health problem in the United States, the evidence is now clear that they can and do contribute substantially to many different risks and health problems and that children and teenagers learn from, and may be negatively influenced by, the media. However, media literacy and prosocial uses of media may enhance knowledge, connectedness, and health” (AAP, 2013). I decided to focus on the age of childhood and adolescence for this discussion. In childhood, this is where learning is the upmost importance. Children soak in every bit of information they come in contact with, whether it be through experiences or media. It’s very difficult to avoid media with televisions, tablets, video games and computers dominating our everyday life’s. According to the article “Impact of media use on children and youth” (2003), one of the positives of media is the educational television show Sesame Street. Sesame street has inspired children to accept those who are different from themselves, kindness and even math, shapes and the alphabet. The downfall of this is that it may detract from schoolwork such as reading and writing which in turn can affect grades and performance in school. Additionally, an overuse of media can also affect a child’s health and well-being. Utilizing media can be a powerful tool educationally, but it can also take away from healthy living such as exercise and playing with peers. Many of those children who overuse media tools can be overweight not only from sitting and watching television but even watching the thousands upon thousands of unhealthy fast food commercials.

Adolescence is a critical period for establishing behaviors and attitudes that will help them into adulthood. “SBM (Screen-based media) use has been associated with low self-esteem, poor academic performance, and obesity and decreased fitness” (Booker et Al., 2015). Additionally, excess of media use can cause an increase in sexual behaviors, violence and drug use. However, when media is used in moderation teenagers can use media to their benefit in regards to school work. Studies show that SBM are used for information gathering and social interaction and this can cause a feeling of well-being. The adolescence who are heavier media users are show to be less likely to be happy and more likely to have socioemotional difficulties than youths who spent less time engaged in media.

American Academy of Pediatrics. (2013). Children, Adolescents, and the Media. Retrieved from

Booker, C. L., Skew, A. J., Kelly, Y. J., & Sacker, A. (2015). Media use, sports participation, and well-being in adolescence: Cross-sectional findings from the UK household longitudinal study. American Journal Of Public Health, 105(1), 173-179. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301783

Impact of media use on children and youth. (2003). Paediatrics & Child Health, 8(5), 301–306. Retrieved from




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