identify and apply strategies select/design as well as applying methods/techniques from the marketing concept and present and communicate your findings.

Business Environment
The aim of this assignment is to measure the outcome of students learning in terms of knowledge acquired understanding and demonstrating skills or abilities gained in relation to achieving the learning outcomes.
Each area mentioned below should carry a detailed analysis including theories concepts models and industry examples.
The Assignment Scenario: You are asked to produce a report on an organisation(s) of your choice where appropriate. The main areas which must be covered within the report are seen below:
the purposes of different types of organisation
the extent to which an organisation meets the objectives of different stakeholders
the responsibilities of an organisation and strategies employed to meet them
how economic systems attempt to allocate resources effectively
the impact of fiscal and monetary policy on business organisations and their activities
the impact of competition policy and other regulatory mechanisms on the activities of a selected
how market structures determine the pricing and output decisions of businesses
the way in which market forces shape organisational responses using a range of examples
how the business and cultural environments shape the behaviour of a selected organisation
the significance of international trade to UK business organisations
the impact of global factors on UK business organisations
the impact of policies of the European Union on UK business organisations.
Within your answer where appropriate you should identify and apply strategies select/design as well as applying methods/techniques from the marketing concept and present and communicate your findings.
You are asked to reflect and evaluate on your answer and justify any conclusions reached. It would also be beneficial if you demonstrate lateral thinking when referring to Nootrilitious and its current/potential markets.
Layout and referencing:
? The assignment must be in written format.
? Pages must be numbered at the bottom right side of each page.
? Spell check the document and make sure there are no grammatical errors.
? You must include a bibliography at the end to show where your information was sourced.
Achievement of a pass grade
A pass grade is achieved by meeting all the requirements defined in the assessment criteria for the unit.
Achievement of a merit or distinction grade
All the assessment criteria and merit grade descriptors need to be completed within the unit to achieve a merit grade
All assessment criteria merit and distinction grade descriptors must be completed within a unit to achieve a distinction grade
Plagiarism and Collusion
Any act of plagiarism and collusion will be seriously dealt with in accordance with the college regulations. Using the work of others without acknowledging source of information or inspiration is plagiarism. Even if the words are changed or sentences are put in different order it is still PLAGIARISM.
Collusion is described as the submission of work produced in collaboration for another assignment based on the assessment of individual work. When one person shares his/her work with others who submit part or all of it as their own work.
Extension and Late Submission
If you need an extension for a valid reason you must request one using an Extension Request Form available from the college. Please note that the lecturers do not have the authority to extend the coursework deadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a coursework extension.
Support Materials and Resource
Use of the internet and lecturers notes acceptable and encouraged.
The Business Environment Ian Worthington
Economics for Business: Blending Theory and Practice- Ian Worthington
Lecture Notes




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