Political Science  Assignment: Write a 1000 word paper (= 3-4 pages, double-spaced) on one of the following topics:

Paper 2 AssignmentPOT 2002.Assignment: Write a 1000 word paper (= 3-4 pages, double-spaced) on one of thefollowing topics:1.) In The Prince, Machiavelli writes: “And let no one resist my opinion on thiswith that trite proverb, that whoever founds on the people founds on mud.”According to Machiavelli, how should a prince “found on the people”? How doeshis advice ultimately benefit the people?2.) Take a look of the foundations of the social contract in both Hobbes andLocke. How do their different assumptions about human nature and the state ofnature inform their theories? How does this result in their different conceptionsof civil society/government? Identify and analyze at least two differentassumptions and speak about the implications for their theories.Papers cannot be submitted by email under any circumstancesGuidelines for Papers1. Your paper is supposed to be an interpretation of some aspect of thework(s): in other words, an argument concerning some aspect of the workbased on analysis of relevant textual evidence.  Your paper is not supposedto be a summary of the work, a statement of your opinion about the work, or adiscussion of its historical significance or relevance. Frame your paper as aninvestigation of why and how the author makes the argument he or she doesrather than simply saying what is said.  Turn your topic into an argument.2. Give a clear statement of your argument at the beginning of your paper.3. Unify your paper with a single argument with a logical development from one step ofthe argument to the next.  Do not make your paper a collection of separate points orexamples.4. Every time you state that the author states or argues something you shouldhave evidence to support your statement, either in the form of a quotation or a specifictextual reference. Only quote what you need for your purposes.  Try to look at yourquotations as something more than mere evidence, and instead as material that youcan analyze (break down into its parts in order to interpret it) in order to make yourargument.5. Use clear and simple language, but a formal style. Obscurity is not profundity.  Makesure that you know the meaning of the words you use.  You are writing a formal paper,not an email message.  Avoid colloquial or chatty language.  Do not use contractions:not using them reminds you of the appropriate level of discourse for your paper.Criteria for assessing your work:1. Do you have a clear statement of your argument?2. Do you provide relevant evidence?3. Are your reasoning and writing clear and effective?4. Do you demonstrate understanding of the work(s) you are analyzing?5. To what degree do you address the most important questions and problemsposed by the work(s) you are interpreting?Warning: If your paper is effectively a summary of the work rather than an interpretationof it, then the best grade you can possibly receive is a C.  If your paper is a statement ofyour opinion about the work or a discussion of its applicability or relevance, then thebest grade you can possibly receive is a C.Practical matters: State your prompt Double-spaced 12 point font 1 inch margins Cite the works by page numbers in parentheses after the relevant referenceor quotation. If it is clear what work you are referring to or quoting from,simply put the page number in parentheses. If you need to clarify which workyou are using, simply add the author. You do not need to cite the specificedition of these works or include a bibliography, unless you are using adifferent edition from the one assigned. If you do use (consult or cite) any sources, add a bibliography. Please put a word count at the end of the paper

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